€AN’T WAIT 2 MAKE §0ME ₡A$$$$$$HH‽¡!

So, no, you’re not really in the mood to buy whatever the above message is probably selling you. Aside from the unapologetic substitution of symbols for text there are at least two conflicting currencies on display up there. (Most egregiously, they’ve even used an interrobang. Nobody uses an interrobang.) But what makes this message distasteful beyond its precarious grasp of reasonable discourse is its complete lack of information. If this were an email subject line you would delete it right away. Why? Personally, I blame the interrobang – but you are more likely to trash it because it tells you absolutely nothing about the message it contains. Images of spam hiding in wait like a rotten jack-in-the-inbox can’t help but pop to mind.

Would you believe that some email marketers send campaigns just like this completely unaware of the consequences? They’re being slapped with a junk tag and dumped by the spam filters faster than you can say, “Winning.” So subject line etiquette is important, you see.

But a proper subject line isn’t just a hall pass to avoid the chance of a bounce or spam folder. Some senders are writing perfectly fine subject lines that will definitely entice their most loyal subscribers to open, regardless of what it says. But if you’re interested in higher open rates, if you want to convert your open rates to click-throughs, if you want to do more than “fine” and encourage subscribers to open because of what your subject line says… well, we’ve got a manual for that.

How to Write Email Subject Lines

Benchmark Email is pleased to introduce its latest email marketing manual, How to Write Email Subject Lines. Inside you’ll discover how to engage your recipients, make an impression and leave the spam out of the equation. We even go beyond the subject line and explore how to write quality content.

So if you’re ready to write copy that brings you better responses or just want a refresher course to remember why U $H0U₤D leave the text talk to the millenials, download the free PDF or read the manual directly from our site today!

Author Bio:

by Pierce Nahigyan

Pierce Nahigyan was the Content Manager, editor and head copywriter for Benchmark Email from November 2010 - March 2013. He writes weekly short fiction at Aleph to Zydeco and film editorials for Primitive Screwheads.