We’ve added some great new features to our Benchmark Email Marketing Community! For those of you who have yet to take full advantage of this forum, the Benchmark Community is a place to archive and publish your email campaigns and newsletters. You can do this by choosing to publish them during the sending process or clicking the community icon in your email reports listing. This has a number of benefits for you and your business.

First, every archived email is automatically indexed in Google, making your campaign accessible to external searches. This leads to increased online exposure. Second, your emails will be presented in all their HTML glory, free from the nitpicking of spam filters or overzealous email clients. Finally, you can get feedback on your campaigns from the registered Benchmark users and share your insights on email marketing.

The following new features allow Benchmark members to improve their archived campaigns with a whole new set of SEO tools.

Show My Newsletters Only


Community members can use the Show My Newsletters Only option located in the Member Profile window to see a page of their published emails. This places all of your campaigns in one place and saves you the trouble of having to scroll for your last post.



Sort by Subject Lines

Newsletters are now sorted by their subject lines and not by their email name. That’s right, your “Feb 04 New_Segment” email newsletter is now the much more appealingly titled New Members, Check Out Our February Discounts! This gives both the community members and search engines a better understanding of your campaign and fosters better feedback on creating winning subject lines. Users can also click on the title or thumbnails of emails to bring up the full page newsletter.

Modify Meta Descriptions

The final new feature for our community members is the edit description & tags option located at the bottom of each of your archived emails.

This option allows users to modify the title and meta description of their emails to improve their SEO. You can also enter multiple keywords for better search results (separate each keyword with a comma).

Benchmark Email is excited to offer these expanded features to our community members and we hope the improved interface will encourage you to get in on the action. If you have a great idea for site improvements, visit our Feature Wish List Forum and share your thoughts!

Author Bio:

by Pierce Nahigyan

Pierce Nahigyan was the Content Manager, editor and head copywriter for Benchmark Email from November 2010 - March 2013. He writes weekly short fiction at Aleph to Zydeco and film editorials for Primitive Screwheads.