Robin Autorino was named one of the top ten chocolatiers in North America. That alone would be reason enough to learn more about Robin Chocolates and the woman behind the sweet treats. Her story only gets more interesting when you learn that she was in the Navy, thrived as a single mom in a job that afforded her a comfortable living, before turning her sights on a passion and headed to culinary school. There, the girl who had been allergic to chocolate her whole life fell in love with desserts and even learned, while interning in France, that she wasn’t allergic to all chocolate … just the mass produced products. What started as a partnership with a local flower shop for Valentine’s Day blossomed into Robin Chocolates and the awards and accolades soon followed. Listen and hear Robin’s awesome story. It shows that it’s never too late to find the right career for you. Enjoy!

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by Mrinal Dev