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自動化行銷:後續追蹤 如果您正在使用像是 Benchmark Email 的郵件行銷平台,代表您正在宣傳某樣事物。可能是一份電子報、最新一期的部落格文章、非營利事業的最新消息,或者是您新推出的服務或商品。 郵件行銷是用來發表及宣傳的最佳工具,讓您社群裡的成員可以接收到第一手的消息。而郵件行銷成功的訣竅就是在對的時機,將對的訊息寄給對的人。只要有了行銷規劃流程圖,您就可以輕鬆達成這個目標! 假設您參與了一項在地的非營利事業,且被委任負責宣傳即將到來的募款活動。如果可以光靠寄出一封郵件,就讓募款資金不斷湧進,且金額多到您可以不用再辦募款活動,這樣豈不是皆大歡喜?不過,雖說凡事皆有無限可能,但這項任務要單憑一封電子郵件就達成幾乎不太可能。 如果要發起募款活動,或者籌辦其他宣傳活動,您必須要像撒網一般,盡量利用各種管道散播大量訊息,讓愈多人知道消息愈好。有時候您的行銷手法效果不彰,並非因為訂閱用戶或追蹤用戶不關心您的活動,可能只是因為您沒有在適當的時機獲取他們的注意,或者訊息呈現的方式沒有讓他們產生共鳴。正因如此,您才需要盡可能透過許多管道,將不同的訊息廣泛傳達給您的受眾。列出具有說服力的理由,讓訂閱用戶覺得您的活動和他們切身相關,並且想辦法透過各式各樣的管道、一條緊湊的故事線來宣傳您的活動。 且讓我們以一項成功的募款活動為例:歐巴馬的募款活動。 歐巴馬政府在他的兩任任期間,以電子郵件和社群媒體為主要的宣傳管道,成功募集了 14 億美元。這樣的佳績並非單純偶然或僥倖,而是下過功夫去計畫及執行才有的成果。歐巴馬的幕僚測試過無數方法,尋找和募款者之間的連結,才創造出一套能成功募集資金的辦法,包括了設計個人化的著陸頁、依據不同捐款行為而變化的有趣主旨等等。 郵件行銷策略 我們姑且先只探討電子郵件的部分。Marketing Sherpa 訪問了歐巴馬募款團隊的郵件行銷執行長 Toby Fallsgraff。光是 2012 年,Toby 的團隊就募集到了 6.9 億美元,其中有 450 億的捐款人平均捐款 53 美元,而且有許多人捐款過不只一次。 歐巴馬的幕僚團隊將捐款者分為四大類型: 1. 已捐款者:2012...
April 27, 2018
Marketing Automation is not a buzzword. It’s an industry standard at this point. If you have signup forms on your website, blog, social channels or anywhere else, you should have...
December 10, 2017
Many businesses check their marketing efforts monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or even annually. This is a normal practice, and you may...
November 23, 2016
How To Increase The Expected ROI For Email Marketing?
Many talk about the expected Return on Investment for email marketing being $40 per $1 spent. Although I love this...
October 10, 2016
What Should My Expected Bounce Rate Be?
Your list of subscribers, customers and leads are worth their numbers of spreadsheet cells in gold. They are important and...
September 6, 2016
What Should My Expected Bounce Rate Be?
Your list of subscribers, customers and leads are worth their numbers of spreadsheet cells in gold. They are important and...
September 6, 2016
How can I use email marketing to build brand awareness?
Once you have a product or service you are proud of and want to share with the world, you want...
August 24, 2016
How can I use email marketing to build brand awareness?
Once you have a product or service you are proud of and want to share with the world, you want...
August 24, 2016
How Can I Improve Click Through Rates In My Emails?
The first step in trying to increase the Click Through Rate (CTR) of your emails is to properly segment your...
August 12, 2016