I started my mom blog about two years ago and I have been growing my traffic steadily ever since. One of the things I did to take my blog to the next level was add an email subscription option. I avoided this step for the first year not because I was too lazy or didn’t know how to add the email subscription option to my blog but because I thought it would hurt my blog traffic. I thought that if people got my email, they wouldn’t come to my blog because they would just read it all there. Boy, was I wrong!
An Email Subscription Option Will Drive Traffic to Your Blog
I finally decided to go ahead and add an email subscription option to my blog and see what happened. That was one decision that has really paid off. A few minutes of my time to add the email subscription option to my mom blog equaled a whole lot more traffic for my blog – often in my top 10 traffic producers. I theorize that people who subscribe to your blog become a most loyal reader because they see your quality content so often. Really, most people don’t have time to visit all their favorite sites everyday but they do try to check their email, and if your blog link happens to be there it is way more likely they will check your blog out.
A Few Ways to Convert Email Readers to Traffic
Always include at least one link to your blog in your email. Your readers will never make it to your blog if you don’t make it easy for them. I suggest you have at least three points of interest and links in your email so that there is something for everyone. If your subscription method does not allow you to add links and customize, then make sure your blog post has links within it to other relevant posts so there is always a reason to visit your blog.
Host a few giveaways on your blog now and then that the readers need to go to in order to comment and earn an entry. Offering an entry for being a subscriber is a great way to reward current subscribers and grow your subscriber list.
If you have a WordPress blog, another little tip is having the Comment Luv plugin. This plugin rewards readers for leaving comments on your blog by giving them a link back to one of their recent posts. That is a great incentive to visit your blog.
I have done a lot of other things to help take my blog to the next level as well but since I added an email subscription option to my mom blog, my traffic has gone up 50%. I hope you experience this kind of growth as well. Remember to just keep on plugging!