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3 Things Every Email Marketing Specialist Should Know
Whether you’re manning the email marketing fort, training a team, or looking to hire a specialist, there are some concrete skills every email marketing specialist should have. We’re here to...
May 1, 2017
身旁都是熟人時,我們往往會感到舒服自在,無論是夥伴、朋友或是同事,相處一段時間,都會產生熟悉感。彼此了解固然是件好事,但也要維繫良好關係,才能讓對方備感重視。 對訂閱者也是如此,他們知道你,也會收到你的郵件,但問題在於,這麼多的訂閱者中,你並不知哪些訂閱者非常活躍,哪些只是隨便撇一眼,或者有些根本忘記曾經訂閱,無論訂閱者屬於哪種,你最害怕的莫過於他們取消訂閱。 為了留住得來不易的訂閱者,可通過以下幾種方式向他們表達感謝: 最簡單的方法是發送感謝信,將該信視為發送給親朋好友的賀卡,發自內心地向他們表達感謝,除此之外,建議內容分段,盡可能地做到篇幅適中、言簡意賅。首先,在首段簡介中表示感謝,接著,第二段描述在訂閱者的幫助下獲得的工作成就,沒人會喜歡長篇大論,因此內容需簡短,在第三部分使用關鍵詞,以此凸顯這封感謝信的主旨。此封感謝信除了向客戶表達感謝之外,還要激發客戶的好奇心,讓他們對你感興趣,如果可以,特別為訂閱者發布一篇文章,或者贈送只有訂閱者才能拿到的禮物,增加行銷效果。 製作郵件時,請記得訂閱者都是健忘的,儘管你會定期發送郵件給他,他們仍不會主動了解,所以需要使用一些技巧 push。社群媒體也是如此,大多時候,訂閱者會關注你的郵件和 Facebook,卻可能忽略每周更新的 Twitter 或 Instagram 影片。忠實客戶可能忙到無法更新你的資訊,但無論如何這是一個好機會。感謝信可以讓客戶跟上你的腳步,與客戶保持聯繫。 和需要引導的新客戶不同,針對熟客應該設計不同的郵件,並且分門別類,提高老客戶的參與度,舉例來說,若你舉辦慈善活動,會參加的通常是你的忠實顧客,或者,這群老客戶中有些可能在網路上非常活躍,可以邀請他們替你撰文,並發布在社群媒體中,善用這些忠實顧客替你好好宣傳。總之,向客戶誠心地表達感謝,藉由這個感謝信,搭建與客戶溝通的橋樑,讓他們漸漸離不開你,這樣你就成功了!
March 28, 2017
Welcome Emails: Tell New Subscribers You’re Thankful
In the entire lifespan of your subscribers, there’s just one moment where they’re absolutely thrilled to be hearing from you...
February 23, 2017
Automating Your Onboarding Campaign
A brick and mortar store doesn’t consider their business a success if a passerby just window shops. Their tiers of...
February 8, 2017
3 Brand Points to Communicate with New Subscribers
One of the top email marketing questions on Quora is about what type of email campaigns should be sent to...
January 23, 2017
Customer Engagement Is The New Email
For many, just sending email to subscribers is missing the point. There is a person behind every email address and...
January 11, 2017
Year in Review: Most Important Email Marketing Developments in 2016
This year has been a major year for email marketers. It’s been a year that’s seen email marketing platforms both...
December 19, 2016
Winter 2016: 3 Envy-Worthy Winter Holiday Campaigns From the UK
Christmas is around the corner and most of you are wondering how marketing and advertising are going to pop this...
November 28, 2016
When Gmail launched a new tab feature to filter email types, it sent marketers into a panic. Hailed as “Email...
November 14, 2016