Our We Do It For You email contest has come to a close. I know that our first month’s Twitter contest winner, Caribe Bistro, has been thrilled with their prize. We hope that the winner of this month’s prize is equally happy. Heather Jaremko of the Reunion Planners, come on down! You’re the next winner of three free months of We Do It For You full service email marketing.

Benchmark Email has always been a champion of small business. Email marketing is all about cultivating relationships. The Reunion Planners is a business that is all about those ideals. How could we not want to reward a company that is all about bringing people together? Congratulations to the Reunion Planners!

Our third and final We Do It For You contest is video based. Some people represent themselves better when speaking instead of writing. Post a video to YouTube and send us a link to contests@benchmarkemail.com. Put Benchmark Email Video Contest in the title. The contest ends Wednesday, December 15. We want to laugh with you, maybe even cry with you. Make it so good that even Gladiator himself would have to ask, “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?”

Good luck!


by Andy Shore

Andy Shore found his way to Benchmark when he replied to a job listing promising a job of half blogging, half social media. His parents still don’t believe that people get paid to do that. Since then, he’s spun his addiction to pop culture and passion for music into business and marketing posts that are the spoonful of sugar that helps the lessons go down. As the result of his boss not knowing whether or not to take him seriously, he also created the web series Ask Andy, which stars a cartoon version of himself. Despite being a cartoon, he somehow manages to be taken seriously by many of his readers ... and few of his coworkers.