Many experts believe that it is only a matter of time before shopping from a mobile device becomes the norm. The number of mobile shoppers has steadily increased over the last couple of years and slowly but surely, more data is rolling in to give us a better understanding of what drives the purchasing actions of these consumers.
According to a study conducted by IAB, just 29% of respondents cited using their mobile device while out and about. This may be shocking news to some, but the findings get more encouraging. 73% of the people in that group use their phones while shopping at stores out in the real world. 34% said they use those devices to look up price info, but an alarming 53% decided not to go through with the purchase after encountering negative reviews and finding better deals elsewhere.
IAB’s findings provide insight into the how, why and when consumers are using mobile devices. When digging deeper into some of the latest research, we get an idea of what it may take to get them to go all the way and actually complete the purchase process.
An infographic born from a recent study by iYogi revealed that leveraging the freemium model may be the key to getting consumers in general to take action. According to the results, 42% of respondents said they have gone on to buy a particular product after being able to try it free at first. Certain areas perform better than others, as the data showed, but the point is that there are actions companies can take to get those consumers who are on the fence to climb all the way over.
Maximizing Your Marketing
Times are changing, but when it comes to engaging consumers with products and services, many of the same rules apply. Following are a few ways online marketers can use these findings to accordingly shape their strategies from the mobile arena to beyond.Know Your Customer – As I mentioned earlier, consumers are increasingly making purchases from mobile devices. But as the IAB data showed, most people are more likely to use their devices to aid in the process, as opposed to making actual purchases. What category does your ideal customer fit in? It literally pays to know.
Create the Ideal Experience – When you know your ideal customer, you know what it takes to create fitting experiences they are more likely to respond to. For instance, if you know that the bulk of your audience is using iPhone and Android phones, you can design your website and applications to deliver the condensed, touchscreen-friendly experiences those users generally demand.
Don’t Waste Time – Today’s consumer demands a seamless shopping experience that respects their time, which most are short on to begin with. Make sure the experiences you deliver take this into account. Requesting too much data on your signup forms or in the shopping cart could serve as a roadblock between converting those who’ve only got a minute to spare.
Reward with Value – We live in a world where everyone wants instant gratification. As a marketer, you need to play into this by consistently offering value. I don’t mean give away discounts so big that it cuts into huge chunks of your profits. But whether it is your email campaign, website or mobile app, make sure the experience is worth the time they took to invest.
Mass marketing is still highly effective, but the days of targeting consumers with the same robotic message are done – or at least they should be. People want experiences that are as relevant and personalized as possible. Marketers able to deliver are out in front with the oh so important competitive advantage.