The other day I was checking my mail for an invitation that should have been delivered already. I was on pins and needles. It would be nice if my mailbox shouted, “Mail’s here!” every time the mail carrier delivered something for me. It would save me from having to check every 15 minutes. Yes, I actually do that when I’m really excited to receive something. Haven’t we all? Well, on this particular day the only thing I had waiting for me were bills. Sometimes it feels like the only people who want to correspond with me are those I owe money to. But it made me realize something. I realized that with Benchmark Email, you do not have the hassle of bills coming to you monthly. Your account is conveniently set up to automatically deduct the payment for you. Talk about a hassle free way of doing business!

There have been some inquiries lately from clients about how to access the billing statements for their Benchmark Email account. Here are the steps to follow to access your Benchmark Email account receipts:

First, log into your account. Then click on the My Account tab on the right hand side of the screen (next to the yellow Help tab). From there you will click on Billing Statements. Now you will be able to see a breakdown of your account charges. You will have the option to view a more detailed receipt by clicking the icon on the right hand side of the row (boxed in with red rectangle below). You can also download the information as a PDF file and/or print it with the icons on the top of the screen (circled in red).

If you have any questions while reviewing your payment information, please feel free to contact us via email, phone or live chat.


by Michelle Allen

A former member of Benchmark's Sales & Support team, Michelle enjoys writing on both a professional and creative level. Her passion to help others has led her to writing the support blog for Benchmark Email clients. Whether you are a newbie to email marketing or a seasoned veteran, keep an eye out for her blogs with helpful tips and tricks in using the Benchmark Email services.