Even though Google is keeping quiet about the number of users Google+ is quickly accruing, experts are guessing that the figure could be well between 10-20 million, if not more.
With Google previously more prominently known for Gmail, the question is how will Google+ change email marketing?
Google+ Makes It Easier to Spread the Word
Email will always be email. It’s about the sending and receiving. But when you’re interested in newsletter or email marketing, your primary concern moves beyond just data communication and to data sharing.
The reason email marketing is one of the top methods to communicate with your audience is because it’s a rare opportunity for direct face-to-face time. There is no social media inspired overflow of information, all of which is competing with you to get your reader’s attention. Email marketing is different and exclusive. But when you deliver successful email marketing campaigns, the end goal is to motivate action; the end goal is to get your reader to (a) act on that information and (b) share that information with others.
As an avid newsletter subscriber to my favorite sites and companies, I know that my biggest obstacle in sharing great newsletters is the hassle involved. When I’m looking to share, I’m not looking to waste my time by browsing through all my contacts and sifting through them to pick my desired recipients. If it gets that involved, it becomes work – and sharing based on a social media design works because it’s fun and easy, not because it becomes a chore.
With Google+ “Circles,” sharing that awesome email campaign becomes easy. Much like a web article you can share on social media, Google+ now allows you to share content with circles of people. So now that great email on industry changes can be shared with your colleagues in one easy click, rather than laborious shuffling through contacts.
Google+ Email Sharing through “Circles” vs. Sharing Email Campaign Links on Social Media
In just about every type of newsletter service, your email newsletter campaign is also offered as a unique URL where visitors not yet signed up to your fabulous list can still check out your latest piece. (Note: This by the way is a smart move on many counts, including encouraging more subscribers.)
Previously, I would take the created link and go forward with a few extra steps by sharing it on Facebook. While this may seem like a small step, it is still one that takes time out of your day. And if you’re a marketer or in the business of service, you’re likely performing “little steps” like this all day long for many other clients and purposes.
Google+ sharing via circles eliminates the need to do any more work. You can share the content directly with your selected group of people (your chosen circle) while still viewing the newsletter. You can choose to share either the entire piece or simply select information within the content. The choice is yours.
The Possible Downside
From conversations with users, Google+ isn’t completely perfect. Google+ is past beta testing and into field testing, which means there are likely some kinks left to iron out. It seems perfecting the mobile app might be one of them. Several Blackberry users have already complained about difficulty with uploading conversation pages via links in emails.
But despite Google’s appeal to evolve email marketing, my advice is that it’s best to stick with the pros. Just like you wouldn’t go to a doctor that’s always offering legal services, you’re best off trusting your email marketing campaigns with a company that is exclusively committed to it. After all, email marketing is a pretty serious game changer and when done right, can attract a flock of traffic, business and visibility.