Tag Archives: 主旨
How many of you start the day by waking up and then instantly start reaching for your phone (by reaching...
November 21, 2016
提升開啟率的 10 大行銷郵件主旨策略
為了撰寫一份完美的行銷郵件,你投入大量的時間與精力,置入許多 URL 連結,製作精美的 CTA 按鈕,但是你所付出的努力真的有回報嗎?如果收件人甚至連 email都沒有打開,那麼精心撰寫的內容不就完全白費了嗎? [ez-toc] Email 行銷依然是開發潛在顧客的最佳方式,在郵件氾濫的時代,要想讓潛在客戶閱讀郵件,首先必須吸引他們開啟郵件,主旨就顯得尤為重要,打開行銷郵件的收件人越多,增加銷售量機會愈高。 行銷郵件主旨的重要性 為了能抓住收件人目光,每天都有數以百億的行銷郵件發送。你知道所發送的郵件到底有多少是未開啟的嗎? 200 封?500 封?當你有不計其數的訂閱者名單時,未開啟的郵件也可能達到 1,000 封。今昔不同往日,現在打開信箱,就會發現你的信箱被許多電子郵件塞得水洩不通,讓你應接不暇,除非郵件主旨非常吸晴,否則大多數郵件都會被直接忽略或者被丟進垃圾箱。 一項數據顯示:35% 收件人會因為主旨吸引人而開啟郵件,69% 的收件人會依據主旨將郵件過濾至垃圾箱。撰寫主旨沒有一定的準則,此主旨適合這間公司,但並不代表適合另外一間公司。 行銷郵件主旨誤區...
May 20, 2016
After you’ve identified the reasons your emails are hitting the junk folder, the next step is to source practical solutions...
September 4, 2015
You can have the best email marketing design and content, but if your title suffers then so will your click-through...
May 26, 2015
If email marketing is all about making a connection with the people who receive your email, then there is no...
June 8, 2011
Open rates reveal how well your emails are received and give an idea as to which periods in time evoke...
June 7, 2011
One of the keys to success in e-mail marketing is to reduce the number of spam complaints that you receive....
June 16, 2009
Great email delivery is one of the most important parts of a successful email campaign. In the long run, it...
April 10, 2009