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I’ve always stood by the claim that marketing and PR go hand in hand. So while digital media sums up marketing, the question becomes “How can digital media help me...
September 22, 2011
Visibility is the biggest challenge for any business. No matter what your business type, the goal is to first get seen. It used to be that just having a website...
September 21, 2011
With the dwindling economy and no signs of any real progress, I keep saying that the best business to get...
September 13, 2011
In a digital era bursting with social media marketing across half a dozen platforms, newsletter marketing, blogs and more, there’s...
September 7, 2011
Any PR department is essentially part of the greater marketing department. And just like sales, PR is a part of...
August 25, 2011
There are a ton of business benefits when it comes to hiring a telecommuting work force. For starters, in a...
August 23, 2011
The marketing equivalent to the proverbial “paper or plastic,” white papers and webinars have become competitive when it comes to...
August 19, 2011
You spend thousands of dollars on a website to market your business, and you spend countless hours creating killer content...
August 18, 2011
电子商务不再仅限于微不足道的在线购物车与结账流程。你可以思考以下问题:若社群媒体、情报搜集与分享形式,在这短短的两年间已产生巨变,那么电子商务又产生哪些创新改变呢? 若你还不肯相信眼前这个事实,那么请继续读下去。 a 美国人平均每天花 24 分钟逛网络商城。 在 2009 年,美国电子商务销售业绩总计约达 1560 亿美元。 所有交易当中,旅游与影音消费为前十名的在线热门商品。只要想到 Barnes and Nobles 与 Borders 的实体书局纷纷关门大吉,取而代之是琳琅满目的电子书,这个结果不难想象,好比几年前 iTunes 对唱片市场造成的冲击一样。...
August 12, 2011