Tag Archives: 社群媒體
Google Zeitgeist只是Google完形的一小部分
You’ll be hard pressed to find many corporations working harder towards world domination than Google. From Android operating systems to...
November 10, 2011
Fads come and go in pop culture, fashion and even the world of business. There always seems to be a...
November 9, 2011
When social media came to the table in 2005, marketers flew into a frenzy trying to create monetization avenues and...
November 9, 2011
When Facebook introduced its Open Graph last year, it became evident that the immensely popular social network had aspirations that...
November 3, 2011
Businesses easily pay thousands each month to marketers and copywriters to make sure they pop up on the first page,...
October 24, 2011
Google作了微調:升級Gmail 及降級Google Reader
The news that Google’s Reader is about to have its social features retired caught many not decrying the neutering of...
October 24, 2011
The rapid evolution of technology can be overwhelming for a marketer, but if you understand the importance of maintaining a...
October 20, 2011
Recent years have seen reportage on lack of reporting emerge as a growing trend among mass media outlets, and Occupy...
October 20, 2011
Google +還活著或只是行屍走肉?媒體的意見分歧
When Google launched Google+ to the world back on June 30, it limited usage to a small community of users....
October 19, 2011