今年已經接近尾聲,Benchmark 忙碌了一整年就是為了提供用戶最佳的郵件行銷服務,在今年結束前,我們就來回顧我們這一年所完成的目標!


Benchmark French site

改善 HTML 編輯器 - 自動儲存 & 即時預覽: 使用代碼設計郵件,不需要再擔心電腦當機,編輯的內容會全部不見,系統會自動儲存,你還可以一邊設計,一邊即時預覽郵件呈現的樣子。

Code Editor

Etsy 、Pinterest、LinkedIn、eBay、Twitter、Facebook 活動整合範本:整合電子報行銷與目前所有使用第三方平台,利用行銷郵件的威力刺激銷售量,與客戶維持穩定互動,讓你的銷售成績更加耀眼。

Facebook Events template integration

Wufoo、CRM、eCommerce 整合: 自動將表單、CRM、eCommerce 資料整合至 Benchmark 中。

Email Marketing Integrations



彈出式訂閱表格: 在最佳時間彈出,吸引潛在客戶訂閱,設計引人注目的訂閱表格,壯大你的聯絡人名單。

Popup Signup Forms

行銷規劃流程圖: 這是年底最萬眾矚目的工具!使用畫布輕鬆設計行銷流程,依據訂閱者與網站或郵件的互動,採取最佳的行銷步驟。


作者 Andy Shore

Andy Shore found his way to Benchmark when he replied to a job listing promising a job of half blogging, half social media. His parents still don’t believe that people get paid to do that. Since then, he’s spun his addiction to pop culture and passion for music into business and marketing posts that are the spoonful of sugar that helps the lessons go down. As the result of his boss not knowing whether or not to take him seriously, he also created the web series Ask Andy, which stars a cartoon version of himself. Despite being a cartoon, he somehow manages to be taken seriously by many of his readers ... and few of his coworkers.