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Facebook 驚人的行銷效益 - 表情符號篇
根據 Facebook 的官方統計,台灣約有 1,800 萬的用戶,每天平均花費 2.5 小時瀏覽 Facebook,市占率更高達 84%,位居亞洲之冠。除此之外,3月份的調查顯示,全球每個月有超過 16 億活躍用戶,每日有近 11 億用戶登入操作,eBizMBA 更將 Facebook 評為全世界最受歡迎的社群網絡,這意味著不管你的目標市場是在國內還是在國外,絕對無法擺脫 Facebook 行銷。 俗話說:「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,要將 Facebook 行銷威力發揮地淋漓盡致,需要充分了解 Facebook 內建工具,接著,掌握訣竅,善加利用。而近期最夯的莫過於表情符號、直播、360度照片 & 影片,在這篇文章中,我們會優先介紹表情符號! 於今年 2 月 26 日正式上線...
July 24, 2016
Facebook 驚人的行銷效益 - 表情符號篇
根據 Facebook 的官方統計,台灣約有 1,800 萬的用戶,每天平均花費 2.5 小時瀏覽 Facebook,市占率更高達 84%,位居亞洲之冠。除此之外,3月份的調查顯示,全球每個月有超過 16 億活躍用戶,每日有近 11 億用戶登入操作,eBizMBA 更將 Facebook 評為全世界最受歡迎的社群網絡,這意味著不管你的目標市場是在國內還是在國外,絕對無法擺脫 Facebook 行銷。 俗話說:「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,要將 Facebook 行銷威力發揮地淋漓盡致,需要充分了解 Facebook 內建工具,接著,掌握訣竅,善加利用。而近期最夯的莫過於表情符號、直播、360度照片 & 影片,在這篇文章中,我們會優先介紹表情符號! 於今年 2 月 26 日正式上線...
July 24, 2016
Email marketing is one of the most effective tactics for driving sales and generating new leads. Your success depends on...
November 29, 2015
郵件設計 - 方便使用智慧型手錶開啟
Believe it or not, Smartwatches are starting to sell. They have been around about a year now, but the launch...
August 17, 2015
AOL 發布 DMARC 政策變更
We recently told you about Yahoo’s recent DMARC changes that could effect your email’s deliverability. We advised sending best practices,...
May 8, 2014
Yahoo 發布 DMARC 政策變更
A recent change by Yahoo has some email marketers exclaiming some choice four letter words, rather than the cheery one...
April 11, 2014
免費 PDF 讓你輕易上手 Benchmark Email
Benchmark Email is proud to present its latest email marketing manual. This marks a very special occasion as this particular...
January 7, 2013
Email marketing can be one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal with the right strategy. However, if you...
June 20, 2012
When coding a newsletter with HTML, there are several email clients you must account for and each has a slightly...
May 18, 2011