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It's not complicated. Keep it
simple with no-nosense


Access a complete email marketing platform with simple pricing. No setup costs, confusing tiers or hidden fees.


up to 10,000 emails


Recieve custom pricing - available for businesses with large email volume or unique deliverability needs.

Volume discounts

Contact-based pricing

Large-sender tools


What's Included

Contacts and Sends
Minimum Contacts
Minimum number of contacts allowed on a plan.
Maximum Contacts
Maximum number of contacts allowed on a plan.
Design Amazing Emails
Professional Email Templates
No design skills? No problem! Get started by choosing a pre-designed email template from our extensive template library.
Drag-and-drop builder
Design visual emails with ease. No coding skills required.
Text-Based Emails
Send simple, plain text emails on their own, or as an alternative version of your HTML emails.
RSS Emails
Automatically send subscribers your latest blog articles using your RSS feed.
Smart Content
Get email content in a click with our AI copywriting tool.
Email Authentication
Send from your own domain to better control your sender reputation.
Remove Benchmark Branding
Remove the Benchmark logo from your email footer.
Custom HTML Editor
Sophisticated users can code their own HTML emails.
Compare Email Reports
Optimize future sends by comparing the performance of your past emails.
Grow & Engage Your List
Sign-Up Forms
Add forms to your website to automatically add a visitor’s contact information to your email list.
Landing Pages
Use our drag and drop builder to create landing pages for your email campaigns.
Basic Segmentation
Segment your list based on contact attributes.
Advanced Segmentation
Segment your list based on contact activity.
Get customer feedback by sending surveys right to their inbox.
Quickly canvas your audience about the topics most important to them.
Reach Your Audience
Smart Sending
Get more emails to the inbox with built-in machine learning technology that increases engagement with your list.
Preview on multiple devices
See how your email will appear on desktop and mobile devices.
Schedule Emails
Instead of sending immediately, you can choose a date and time to send your email.
A/B testing
See which version of your email works the best and roll the winner out to everyone.
One-Time List Verification
An initial, complimentary verification of email addresses on your contact list ensures you are only sending to valid emails to improve deliverability.
Ongoing List Verification
Improve your email deliverability by identifying and removing undeliverable or dangerous email addresses from your list.
Dedicated IP
Have better control of your sending reputation by being placed on your own sending IP address.
Inbox Checker (powered by Litmus)
Preview your email in different clients, browsers and screen resolutions.