The holiday season isn’t just a time for decking the halls and spreading cheer; it’s also a golden opportunity for businesses to capitalize on the festive spirit and boost their bottom lines. As the days grow shorter and the air gets crisper, consumers worldwide embark on a gift-giving frenzy, and a well-executed holiday email marketing strategy can be your brand’s ticket to a sleigh-full of seasonal success. 

From Black Friday to New Year’s Eve, this article explores the significance of holiday email marketing in driving seasonal sales, shedding light on the immense potential it holds for businesses seeking to jingle all the way to increased revenue during the most wonderful time of the year.

You Know it’s the Holiday Season When…

The holiday shopping season is a critical and highly anticipated period for both consumers and retailers. It typically spans from late November through December and is characterized by various key dates and shopping trends. 

Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday in November)

Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. It’s a time for families to gather and express gratitude.

In recent years, Thanksgiving has become increasingly important for retail, with “Black Friday” sales often starting on Thursday evening. Retailers offer early deals, and consumers head out to take advantage of the discounts, both in stores and online.

Black Friday (The Day After Thanksgiving)

Black Friday is known for its doorbuster deals, huge discounts, and long shopping hours. Retailers open early, often at midnight or even on Thanksgiving evening, to kick off the shopping frenzy.

Black Friday is one of the most significant shopping days of the year, with consumers seeking deals on electronics, clothing, and other big-ticket items. It’s a day when retailers aim to turn profitable, going “in the black” for the year.

Cyber Monday (The Monday Following Thanksgiving)

Cyber Monday is focused on online shopping, offering special deals on a wide range of products, particularly electronics and tech gadgets.

Cyber Monday emerged as a response to the growing trend of online shopping. It’s an opportunity for eCommerce retailers to continue the momentum of the holiday shopping season as consumers seek online deals after the Black Friday rush.

Christmas (December 25th)

Christmas is the most widely celebrated holiday during the holiday season, focusing on gift-giving, festive decorations, and gatherings with loved ones.

For retailers, Christmas represents the culmination of the holiday shopping season. Shoppers are seeking last-minute gifts and holiday essentials. Retailers often extend their hours, offer special promotions, and engage in holiday-themed marketing to attract shoppers.

Key Shopping Trends During the Holiday Season

Understanding the following characteristics and shopping trends is essential for businesses looking to make the most of this festive and lucrative time of the year.

  • eCommerce Dominance: The holiday season sees a substantial shift towards online shopping. Many consumers prefer the convenience and safety of eCommerce, and online retailers offer attractive discounts and promotions.
  • Mobile Shopping: Mobile devices play a crucial role in holiday shopping. Consumers increasingly use smartphones and tablets to browse and make purchases, making mobile optimization essential for retailers.
  • Omnichannel Shopping: Shoppers expect a seamless shopping experience across online and brick-and-mortar stores. Retailers are investing in omnichannel strategies to meet these expectations.
  • Early Shopping: The trend of starting holiday shopping early, sometimes even before November, is becoming more prevalent. This shift has led retailers to offer early deals to cater to early birds.
  • Gift Cards and Experiences: Many consumers opt for gift cards or experiential gifts like travel, dining, or events. Retailers often promote these alternatives to traditional gifts.
  • Sustainability: Shoppers are increasingly conscious of sustainability. Retailers are responding by offering eco-friendly products and reducing packaging waste.
  • Personalization: Personalized shopping experiences, including product recommendations and targeted marketing, are becoming more common during the holiday season.

Holiday Email Marketing Strategies to Use this Holiday Season

Holiday email marketing is a powerful tool for maximizing seasonal sales during the festive season. Here are some effective strategies to make the most of your holiday email campaigns:

1. Segmentation and Targeting

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching your audience, but one-size-fits-all messaging often falls short. This is where segmentation comes into play. Segmentation is the practice of dividing your email list into smaller, more specific groups based on various criteria. It allows you to send tailored messages to different segments, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of your email campaigns. Here’s why segmentation is crucial:

  • Relevance: Segmentation enables you to send emails that are highly relevant to the interests and needs of each group. This increases engagement and drives better results.
  • Personalization: Tailored messages demonstrate that you understand your audience’s preferences, making subscribers feel valued and more likely to engage with your emails.
  • Higher Open and Click-Through Rates: Segmented emails often achieve higher open and click-through rates because they cater to the specific interests and behaviors of each group.
  • Improved Conversions: Segmentation can lead to increased conversion rates, as you can deliver messages that align with where subscribers are in their customer journey.
  • Reduced Unsubscribes: Relevant content reduces the likelihood of subscribers unsubscribing as they receive content that resonates with them.

Now, let’s explore how to create customer segments based on demographics, past purchase behavior, and interests:

Demographic Segmentation

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Job title

Past Purchase Behavior

  • Purchase history
  • Product categories 
  • Frequency of purchase

Interest-Based Segmentation

  • Content engagement
  • Preferences
  • Behavioral data

Lifecycle and Engagement Segmentation

Segmentation requires collecting and organizing data effectively. Use a robust email marketing platform to help manage and automate the process. Regularly review and refine your segments to ensure they remain accurate and effective. Tailoring your messaging through segmentation can significantly enhance the impact of your email marketing campaigns, leading to better engagement and conversions.

2. Creating Compelling Email Content

Effective holiday email content is essential to capture the attention of your subscribers and encourage them to take action during the festive season. To stand out in crowded inboxes, your emails should include engaging subject lines, persuasive copy, and eye-catching visuals. Here are tips for crafting holiday email content that gets noticed:

Engaging Subject Lines

  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Highlight exclusive offers
  • Incorporate emojis
  • Use personalization
  • Ask a question
  • Keep it short and sweet

Persuasive Copy

  • Tell a Story
  • Focus on benefits
  • Highlight savings
  • Create a call to action
  • Use power words (like “exclusive,” “free,” “gift,” “save,” and “now”)
  • Social proof
  • Scarcity and FOMO
  • Gift ideas

Eye-Catching Visuals

  • Festive imagery
  • High-quality images
  • Video content
  • GIFs
  • Branding
  • Mobile optimization

In a crowded inbox, your holiday email content must not only catch the eye but also deliver a compelling message that resonates with the festive spirit. By crafting subject lines that grab attention, persuasive copy that drives action, and eye-catching visuals that enhance the holiday experience, your emails can stand out and drive engagement and sales during the holiday season.

3. Limited-Time Offers and Promotions

Limited-time offers, discounts, and promotions play a significant role in driving sales during the holiday season. The impact of these tactics is rooted in psychological principles of urgency and scarcity, which create a sense of excitement and motivation for customers. Here’s how these strategies work and their impact:


  • Impact on Sales: Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency, prompting customers to take immediate action to avoid losing out on a good deal.
  • Examples: Phrases like “Last chance,” “Ending soon,” or “Today only” convey urgency and encourage customers to make a purchase before it’s too late.


  • Impact on Sales: Scarcity increases the perceived value of a product or offer and motivates customers to make a purchase because they fear it may not be available later.
  • Examples: “Limited stock available,” “While supplies last,” or “Only a few left” create a sense of scarcity and drive customers to act.


  • Impact on Sales: Offering discounts during the holiday season attracts price-conscious shoppers and encourages them to make purchases, especially when coupled with urgency and scarcity tactics.
  • Examples: “50% off,” “Buy one, get one free,” or “Save $20 on your purchase” are effective discount strategies.

Perceived Value

  • Impact on Sales: Higher perceived value can tip the balance in favor of making a purchase, especially during the holiday season when customers are seeking savings.
  • Examples: Phrases like “Best deal of the year,” “Unbeatable offer,” or “Incredible value” emphasize the value of the deal.

4. Countdown Timers and Interactive Elements

Countdown timers and interactive elements in emails are powerful tools for creating a sense of excitement and urgency in your email marketing campaigns. They leverage psychological triggers to engage subscribers and motivate them to take immediate action. Here’s how these elements work and examples of engaging interactive content:

Countdown Timers

  • How They Work: Countdown timers are dynamic elements that display the time remaining for a specific offer, event, or sale. They create a sense of urgency by visually demonstrating that time is running out.

Examples of Use:

  • Flash sales
  • Product launches
  • Event announcements
  • Cart abandonment

Interactive Elements

  • How They Work: Interactive elements in emails allow subscribers to engage with the content directly within the email itself. They can include clickable buttons, carousels, quizzes, polls, and more.

Examples of Engaging Interactive Content:

  • Product carousels
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Polls and surveys
  • Clickable CTAs
  • Countdown interactivity
  • Mini-games

Interactive elements not only increase engagement but also help you gather valuable data and insights about your subscribers. They can be especially effective during the holiday season when competition for attention in the inbox is fierce. Interactive emails deliver an enjoyable and unique experience, making your brand more memorable and encouraging subscribers to take action.

5. Email Automation and Drip Campaigns

Email automation is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your email marketing efforts. It allows you to deliver timely and relevant content to your subscribers by automating the process of sending emails based on specific triggers or schedules. One of the most effective forms of email automation is drip campaigns, which can nurture leads and guide them through the sales funnel. Here are the benefits of email automation and how drip campaigns work:

Benefits of Email Automation

  • Email automation ensures that your subscribers receive content that is tailored to their specific needs and interests. You can send the right message at the right time, increasing the chances of engagement.
  • Automating holiday email campaigns saves time and resources by scheduling and sending emails without manual intervention. It allows you to focus on strategy and content creation.
  • Automation ensures that your email marketing efforts are consistent and that subscribers receive a continuous flow of content, maintaining their interest over time and throughout the holiday season.
  • You can use automation to segment your list and send personalized emails to different groups, creating a more individualized experience for subscribers.
  • Automation is effective in nurturing leads by guiding them through the sales funnel with targeted content, which can ultimately lead to higher conversion rates.

Drip Campaigns

Drip campaigns are a form of email automation designed to nurture leads and move them through the sales funnel gradually. They consist of a series of automated emails sent at specific intervals based on user actions or triggers. Here’s how they work:

  • When a new subscriber joins your list, a drip campaign can start with a welcome email. This email introduces your brand, sets expectations, and provides valuable content.
  • Over time, the drip campaign sends a series of emails that provide more information about your products or services, address pain points, and highlight the benefits of what you offer.
  • Drip emails can include educational content, such as how-to guides, tips, and industry insights. They also encourage engagement, such as asking for feedback or inviting subscribers to follow you on social media.
  • As the lead becomes more engaged, the drip campaign can introduce promotional emails, special offers, or product recommendations based on the lead’s behavior and preferences.
  • The ultimate goal of a drip campaign is to lead the subscriber to take a specific action, such as making a purchase.
  • Drip campaigns can also be used to re-engage dormant subscribers by sending targeted content and offers to bring them back into the sales funnel.

By using drip campaigns, you can guide leads through a carefully planned journey, gradually building trust and rapport. This approach is more effective than bombarding subscribers with generic emails and offers, as it respects the subscriber’s pace and interests. It helps build a relationship and increase the likelihood of conversion, ultimately benefiting your business.

6. Post-Holiday Engagement and Retention

Maintaining customer relationships beyond the holiday season is crucial for building long-term brand loyalty and sustaining your business’s success. While the holidays offer a prime opportunity to drive sales, the post-holiday period is equally important for keeping customers engaged. Here’s why it’s essential and some strategies to maintain post-holiday engagement:

Importance of Post-Holiday Engagement

  • Retains customers
  • Builds loyalty
  • Provides year-round revenue
  • Upsell and cross-sell potential

Post-Holiday Engagement Strategies

  • Express gratitude for holiday season purchases and welcome customers into your community. Use this opportunity to gather feedback and encourage them to connect on social media.
  • Share helpful content like how-to guides, product tutorials, or industry insights related to your offerings. This positions your brand as a valuable resource.
  • Leverage customer data to provide personalized product recommendations, driving further purchases.
  • Send special promotions or loyalty rewards to encourage post-holiday shopping and show appreciation.
  • Develop a content calendar that aligns with post-holiday events and occasions. Stay relevant to your customers throughout the year.
  • Maintain an active presence on social media platforms. Encourage customers to share their post-holiday experiences with your products.
  • For consumable or seasonal products, send reminders when it’s time to restock or prepare for the next holiday season.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials to build social proof and trust.

The Value of Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are a powerful tool for post-holiday engagement and long-term customer relationships. Here’s why they are valuable:

  • Loyalty programs reward customers for making repeat purchases, giving them a reason to return to your store throughout the year.
  • Loyalty programs help you collect valuable customer data, allowing you to tailor your marketing and offers more effectively.
  • Loyal customers often become brand advocates, referring friends and family and promoting your business through word of mouth.
  • You can personalize rewards to each customer’s preferences, enhancing their experience.
  • Loyalty programs can motivate customers to spend more in pursuit of rewards, increasing the average order value.
  • Retaining existing customers through loyalty programs is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

Maintaining customer relationships beyond the holiday season requires a thoughtful and ongoing effort. By providing value, personalized experiences, and incentives, you can keep customers engaged, turning holiday shoppers into loyal, year-round supporters of your brand.

Some of the strategies listed above work beyond the holiday season as well. Just make sure you use email marketing software to help you pull it all off. If you need help getting started, sign up for a free Benchmark Email account and get your holiday marketing off the ground in minutes.

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by Benchmark Team